header for hero myth post

As a 6th grade Language Arts and Social Studies teacher using a paced curriculum for language arts, and Social Studies that examined ancient history, I needed a lesson that focused on practicing writing and revision skills, but allowed students to focus on understanding cultures. Further, the students with whom IContinue Reading

online learning connections

Social media and online platforms present opportunities for educators to gather for camaraderie and professional development even when they are widely dispersed by geography. The existence of online communities creates more opportunities for educators with widely diverse perspectives to come together than ever before. Yet, some educator groups seem toContinue Reading

To the extent that is observable, the intent and actions of staff at Marcus Whitman Middle School adheres to the ethical values outlined in this ethics audit. The overarching theme of technology implementation and use is on building a safe and positive learning environment for youth that provides grace and inclusion for them and their families.Continue Reading

As a Digital Education Leader, my mission is to ensure that the ways in which we implement and use technology is inclusive of all populations and promotes safe and confident technology use in ways that reduce barriers for users while encouraging independence and confidence in the creation of safe, supportive digital environments that provide grace for users who struggle while pursuing excellence for all users. Continue Reading