A significant part of my current graduate class on instructional coaching included working with on a multi-week coaching project, one aspect of which was working with another educator to improve the effectiveness of an existing lesson. This was an opportunity to practice coaching skills and to personalize and adapt instructionContinue Reading

Every teacher training I have ever attended begins with an icebreaker. Despite being an extrovert, I hate icebreakers, as do many teachers and we are long overdue for a change. An examination of icebreakers as they are currently used in coaching is essential to build a strong foundation for ISTEContinue Reading

kids learning

Do the most commonly recommended k-12 student learning focused technology tools include built in capabilities that promote responsible digital use and citizenship? “The crisis caused by COVID-19 has facilitated the creation of alternative and varied environments to search for information, consume content, and create and share content, as well asContinue Reading

The unique stressors and situations educators faced this year resulted in a rapid culling of digital collaboration tools, leaving only the best tools in use among each collaborative group. Her are some of them.Continue Reading

ISTE Is the International Society for Technology in Education, and publishes a series of 7 standards for technology coaches, which are available at the ISTE Coaching Standards site. The Coaching Standards are as follows: Change Agent Connected Learner Collaborator Learning Designer Professional Learning Facilitator Data-Driven Decision Maker Digital Citizen AdvocateContinue Reading